Old Season - A Soldier's Song

Thunder sounds my coming, this vitriolic will
Lays waste these lands before me, for blood shall spill
The interminable suffering in which your kin will wallow
Shall wipe your seed from this earth, so none may follow
Kneel and serve before me, I'll slay yours one by one
Behold the age of pestilence, I am your kingdom come

Yet stood as one
With tempered nerve and steel
Ten thousand strong
Our kings had become his pawns
Hiding our fate inside their walls
When tumbled down so did reveal
Insidious and heinous deals
To sell the souls of kindred men
Deal death to those opposing them
To smite the spark of life from birth
And sow the seeds of hell on earth
This night will see our vengeance won
My life this land still holds 'til war is done

A solider's song
We chant this night of the Fianns' might
To drive us on and on

Ready now men with your horse-swords and bows
Our dead to avenge as we round on our foes

The skies fell red and winds came cold
O'er steely clasps on arms there borne
Such woe beheld through eyes of men
Could stir the heart to fight 'til the end
Quicken your step and be bold men
Lifeblood for the seasons old

From forth the mass one hundred brave
Led out first charge that night
And followed on ten thousand strong
Their foe to bring the fight

March, on the bastion of helotry
March, to the thunderous cheer
Too long enslaved have our forebears been
March, for the battle draws near

Ready and fire the funeral pyre
Of servitude under them

Lo! The tide of iniquity slows
The hour it is ripe for the blow
Let children of men be shown
Lest happens they forget their own
Saw them sold, that kings of men
Saw them sold, these kings of men
Would see us sold

Impassioned cries for the war-felled men
Rake thin the verve of valour's yen
Foul price that sees our freedom won
All life in war a victim has become

A soldier's song
Intones this night our people's plight
And drives us on and on and on and on...

Impassioned cries for the war-felled men
Rake thin the verve of valour's yen
Foul price that sees our freedom won
All life in war a victim has become