Old Season - Bitter Is The Wind

Grand old Vikings ruled the oceans vast
Their brave battle songs still thunder on the blast
Riding in its might, bring tyrants to their knee
The flag that flies above is the love of liberty

Bitter is the wind tonight
White tresses of the sea

Heed now O king, what honour I bring
Silence I pray, while I speak my lay
Your exploits to tell, which all men know well
Only Odin can say where the dead lay

Sword metal peeled on rim of shield
Their fate it was sealed on the battlefield

The king advanced while axes danced
Distant shore heard the clamour of war
Blood ran free, beyond the sea
I praise this king throughout his land
And keenly sing his open hand

His hand so free with golden spoil
But vice-like he grips his own soil

Sword metal peeled on rim of shield
Their fate it was sealed on the battlefield

To praise my lord, this tight mouth broke
The word floods poured, the still tongue spoke
From my poet's breast these words, they took wing
Now all the rest may learn to sing

Bitter is the wind tonight
White tresses of the sea